In The Media


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Five O’Clock Club articles

Age Discrimination Or Is It?, 2007
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(click here to download this article in pdf format)

Making Full Use Of The Older Worker,  2009 reprinted 2013

(click here to download this article in pdf format)

The Changing Face Of Retirement, March 2007

(click here to download this article in pdf format)

Too Old To Get A New Job
TooOldNewJob_p1 TooOldNewJob_p2

(click here to download this article in pdf format)

Contributions to Live Smart After Fifty, published by Life Planning Network, 2013
What is Life Planning? – Life Planning Network
Work Smarts, Chapter 9, “Remaining Resilient and Achieving Success”, in Work Smarts, published by Five O’Clock Club, 2012
“Energize with Absurdity and Humor”, Life Planning Network Newsletter, 2010
“Achieving Success with Positive Thinking”,


SUNY Albany Alumni, 2008
The Wave, 2008
Washington Post – Moonlighting-2007
“You Have to Accentuate the Positive”, by Moira Allan, Pass It On Blog, Paris, May, 2014
“How to Get A job Over 50”, Sept 2013, reprinted from Sept, 2010 article


ABC Eyewitness News, Career counselor expert interviewed on ABC News program, The Best Way To Research Job Opportunities, May, 2013
Career counselor expert interviewed on the Dylan Ratigan Show with client, Jane R., From Bad to Worse for the Unemployed, July, 2010
Over 40 and Unemployed, Eye Witness News, February 24, 2009
Interviewed as career counselor expert on ABC Eyewitness News, with clients, The Job Chase Over 40, February, 2009
Interviewed on NY1, Yoga at Work


Print Media
“The Millennials Balancing Their Parents’ Job Searches With Their Own” (The Atlantic, 2016)

“How To Stay Positive Job Searching After 50” (Forbes, 2016)

“Getting Past ‘Overqualified’ In A Job Interview” (Fortune, 2015)

“Am I Too Old To Get A Great Job?” (Women’s World, 2015)

Five O’Clock Club, Renee Rosenberg, featured in FORBES (The Five O’Clock Club, 2013)

Forbes: How To Get A Job When You’re Over 50 (Forbes, 2010)
Broadcast Media

ABC Eyewitness News: Over 40 And Unemployed (ABC Eyewitness News, 2012)

Dylan Ratigan Show: From Bad To Worse For The Unemployed? (NBC News, 2010)

To Moonlight or Not?

The LA Times, The Washington Post, The New York Daily News, The Westchester News, The Five O’Clock News, Health and Wellness Magazine, Yoga Journal. Interviews in broadcast media: ABC Eyewitness News, NY1, MSNBC and Italian News Television.

Talking about my philosophy of gratitude on Italian TV.